Friday, April 2, 2010

Senakulo 2010

Senakulo” (Passion-play) is a traditional dramatic presentation depicting the passion of Jesus Christ — His trial, suffering and death. It is done in towns and cities during Holy Week and from town plazas or churchyards, people gather to witness this holy event. Actors and actresses playing in this passion-play do this not just for entertainment but also as their means of “panata” (vow).

Yesterday, few minutes after I arrived at my akachan’s (bf) place and before we left for Visita Iglesia, there was this “Senakulo” in their street and I was able to somehow take a glimpse of it.

I wasn’t really able to witness the whole passion-play — just the one wherein the person portraying the role of Jesus Christ is walking on their street while carrying a big cross.


Shriti said...

wow! pretty cool! that really sounds gr8 :D

ur_gurLNxtdOor said...

@Chocolate Lover: thanks for visiting my site ^_^ and yes it really sounds great coz it not only entertain people but the actors and actresses of the passion-play were also able to do their vows =D

Ana Cristina said...

Thanks for your visit. Have a nice Wednesday!

ur_gurLNxtdOor said...

@Ana Cristina: thanks for visiting my site too ;)

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